Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Setting Your Goals & Dreams for 2009

I was in a training session with my therapists last weekend and we each took a few minutes to discuss our goals and dreams for 2009.

It's extremely important to do this and most of us let this fall by the wayside. I know I've done that most of my career. Guilty! Guilty! Let me explain a little more here. Discussing goals and dreams I've done on a regular basis, but I have not sat down with any regularity and set the ink to paper and then followed through. There are very specific details when it comes to goal setting.

Now I look at you as all my children (I do have two of my own), and I never want my children to struggle what I went through so listen closely.

If you want a stellar career as a therapist, you need to have a road map. You need a specific strategy to follow and then stay motivated to see it through.

If you are still with me on this entry, I will not let you down. If you are guilty of not writing down your goals for 2009, there's always hope and here's the next step.

Go to this website to pick up a copy of the greatest goal setting book of all times called Think and Grow Rich -- and it's essentially free. No, I'm not part of this link and have no financial interest at all. I know the folks behind this operation and they are great quality people that you can trust.

Here you will listen to Vic Johnson explain all the details. Vic's a great spirit and motivating teacher. I purchased his online seminar course on Think and Grow Rich (that can be found on and it's fantastic.

Also on this site you can download the classic personal development text for free -- As A Man Thinketh. That's what I like F R E E!

Here's the bottom line -- As you develop your skills as a professional body worker, you want to make sure you are growing your internal consciousness. Goal setting is part of that process and part of your personal development.

I am presently involved with several activities that are growing my internal consciousness. In future entries, I will go more into detail and describe what I'm doing now and share some of my goals for this glorious year of the Ox - 2009.

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